2024-03-222024-03-222024-03-222022-03-23https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/490This report aims to present the stages of production of granulated refined sugar from VHP sugar, as experienced during an internship at Usina Caeté S/A – Marituba Unit, belonging to the Carlos Lyra group. The detailing of the process of obtaining refined granulated sugar was understood after experiencing the entire production process of the plant, from the manufacturing sector to the refinery, including the steps of physical-chemical analysis regarding the sugars produced. The analyzes were carried out in the company's industrial laboratory and encompass all stages of sugar refining, controlling the ideal parameters for liqueurs and cooked pasta, intermediate products of the production process, and the final product.Acesso AbertoAçúcarSetor SucroalcooleiroCana-de-açúcarSacaroseParâmetros de qualidadeProcessos industriaisProcesso de obtenção do açúcar refinado granulado através do açúcar VHPTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoENGENHARIA QUIMICA