2024-03-122024-03-122024-03-122022-04-11https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/451Green manure has aroused the interest of farmers, as it has been standing out as a strategy for sustainable agriculture, since it allows the recovery and maintenance of soil productivity and reduces the cost of using large amounts of chemical fertilizers. This practice consists of improving the physical, chemical and/or biological characteristics of the soil, it functions by replenishing nutrients, such as nitrogen, which is the main nutritive element and is supplied from legumes, in addition to supplying organic matter to the area being applied. Thus, this study aims to present, in the form of a literature review, the benefits of applying green manure in sugarcane cultivation. For this, the context about the importance of sugarcane for its industry was made, as well the definition of green manure and its effects on soil characteristics, beside highlighting some of the most used species for nutrition and atmospheric nitrogen fixation. Therefore, green manure is a vegetative practice that makes it possible to reduce the amount of chemical fertilizers.Acesso AbertoAdubaçãoFertilidade do soloLeguminosasFixação de nitrogênioCana-de-açúcarAdubação verde no cultivo da cana-de-açúcarTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIÊNCIAS AGRÁRIASCIENCIA DO SOLOFERTILIDADE DO SOLO E ADUBACAO