2024-08-302024-08-302024-08-302023-05-30https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/666Nature conservation is a multifaceted and interdisciplinary phenomenon. In situ conservation takes place within natural areas, especially in conservation units, and focuses on the delimitation of places with or without the direct presence of people. According to the laws, the management of these areas occurs in a shared way with several social actors, and among its main management instruments, the management plans and management councils stand out. The Costa dos Corais Environmental Protection Area (APACC) is a federal marine conservation unit for sustainable use. For its development, we used a quantitative and qualitative methodology based on the written record of the minutes of ordinary and extraordinary meetings (2011 to 2021) and management plans (2013 and 2021), which were read, filed and exploratory text- mining tools were applied. in order to help the interpretation and critical analysis of the texts. The present work aimed to evaluate the progress of the planning and management of the APACC, through its records of minutes and management plans. The survey results show us that over these 11 years, 70 institutions have been part of the management councils, 44 minutes and two management plans have been published. The management of this unit can be classified as participatory. We conclude that the general analysis of the words recorded in the minutes evidences the relevance of themes such as: environment, tourism, fishing and management. Despite the record of structural changes in the construction of management plans, such as the way they are planned and their zoning, the management plans analyzed have thematic consistency. The methods applied allowed obtaining information about governance, protection of natural heritage and socio-environmental development promoted by the management council of APACC.Acesso AbertoÁrea de Proteção Ambiental Costa dos CoraisAtas das ReuniõesConselho GestorInstituições ParticipantesCosta dos Corais Environmental Protection AreaMinutes of the MeetingsManagement BoardParticipating InstitutionsGovernança na área de proteção ambiental costa dos coraisTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoOUTROS