2024-03-072024-03-072024-03-072023-11-30https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/405This research aims to analyze the written language of Clarice Lispector in the work Água Viva, based on Mikhail Bakhtin's Theory of Romance, understand the conception of the romance genre, including how it is taught in the classroom; investigate elements of narration in fragmented and discontinuous writing and also understand the multi-significance and deautomatizing elements as a stylistic resource in the book Água Viva. Therefore, we investigate how these resources allow intrapersonal recognition based on the fragmentations and deconstruction of writing in the text. We began our studies on Mikhail Bakhtin's Theory of Romance to understand the evolution of the novel genre, passing through the traditional novel, ending the research on the modern and post-modern novel with the processes of Multi-signification and deautomatization, based on a reading of the work in fragments poetics which go beyond the (de)construction of the romance genre and allow the interlocutor, if not the reader, to awaken consciousness through the processes of multi-signification and deautomatization. The main intention is to show that the reading of Clarice's works can be constructed in fragments and from these, most people can acquire literary knowledge capable of transforming the reader self and consequently the collective self. We resorted to studies by Mikhail Bakhtin (2019), Georg Lukács (2009), Benedito Nunes (1973), Neiva Pitta Kadota (1997), Regina Pontieri (2001), Ana Maria Agra Guimarães (2015), Maria Lucia Homem (2012), Ivan Hegenberg (2018), Maussed Moisés (2019), Evandro Nascimento (2012), Ricardo Iannace (2001). In addition to other works that researched Clarice Lispector's writing and language.Acesso AbertoTeoria do romanceEscrita fragmentadaMultissignificaçãoDesautomaziçãoÁgua VivaTheory of the novelFragmented writingMultisignificationDeautomatizationJellyfishA multissignificação e desautomatização na linguagem clariceana: um reconhecimento intrapessoalTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES