2025-02-172025-02-172021-03-08https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/858We conceive, according to Souza (2011), Grafite as a linguistic-textual-discursiveartifact, that is, “a multisemiotic text”, which is part of the cultural, social realities,possibly based on the dialogue that can be established with students' knowledge about gender. There fore, in the present qualitative research, we adopted the graphite genre as an object of investigation, considering that the gender in question and the literacies that compose it are not valued in many educational institutions, as many social and aesthetic prejudices still persist for part of society today. The main objective of this work is to promote discussions and to highlight the genre Grafite asan instrument of literacies of re-resistence in the EPT school scenario through a Didactic sequence (SD) used in Portuguese language classes. The methodological basis is an action research, based on the research perspective of Applied Linguistics(LA). We adopted two questionnaires as instruments of data collection: a profile,applied at the beginning of the research and another reflective evaluation used at the end of the investigative process. In addition, during the application of the SD,reading and production activities were carried out on the graffiti image text, and a conversation / interview with a producer of this art. According to the results presentedin this research, it was found that the approach of this genre helped to demystify prejudiced views that surround Graphite by the subjects collaborating with the research. In addition, this work enabled students involved in the investigative process to have a more intimate and enlightening about this genre.ptLetras - PortuguêsLetramentosGêneros de reexistênciaGrafiteLíngua Portuguesa - EnsinoLiteraciesRe-resistence genresGraphitePortuguesa Language teachingDos muros à sala de aula: o gênero grafite como práticas dee letramentos de reexistênca no contexto da EPTTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::LETRAS