2024-09-022024-09-022024-09-022022-12-15https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/670Basic sanitation is an important public health strategy to provide adequate living conditions for the population, with a direct impact on health indicators. Therefore, it was analyzed the municipal plan for basic sanitation in the city of Boca da Mata/AL, including its elaboration and execution and, from that, propose some measures to improving that scenario. This is a descriptive study has used data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), the National Information System on Sanitation and the ranking of basic sanitation based on the indicators of Trata Brasil Institute. In addition, we searched for articles and monographs in the literature that addressed the theme. It was found that 67% of the inhabitants live in urban areas and 32.2% in rural areas. The water supply comes mainly from the general network, however, it is observed that in the rural area it uses wells, where 67.7% of the population has access to drinking water supply services and 32.3% do not have access to these services. With respect to solid waste, 64.5% of the population is served with collection at their homes, while 35.4% of the population does not have waste collection. The city has collection by cleaning service and bucket. Concernig to domestic sewage, 87.1% is collected but does not have any type of treatment. The study also showed that basic sanitation services in areas considered rural are precarious, the population does not have a general network, the water supply is through wells and rudimentary cesspools are used for sewage collection. As such, it becomes essential to search alternatives for more equal access to basic sanitation in urban and rural areas of that city.Acesso AbertoSaneamento básicoSaúde PúblicaAbastecimento de águaBasic sanitationPublic healthWater supplyDiagnóstico do saneamento básico de Boca da Mata – AL: um estudo com base nos indicadores do Instituto Trata BrasilTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoENGENHARIAS