2024-08-282024-08-282024-08-282023-01-24https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/642The main objective of this work is to report the traits of a conservative and prejudiced society present in the work O Mulato, written by Aluízio Azevedo in 1881 during Naturalism, a period in which Brazil was still a slave country. Unfortunately, some students find the literary works proposed by teachers in basic education outdated, due to the fact that their publication date is far from their reality, however, what they must understand is that literature serves as the basis for many issues in society current, just look at it critically, and so, with this work we intend to demystify this view, and we also intend to take an approach focused on teaching, so that the student is led to understand the root of prejudice, thus making a bridge between: history, work and current events, after this reflection the student will put into practice the discussions so that the reading seen as old and old, will now be alive and active, also in modern society. Therefore, we will base this work on the theories of Bosi (2015); Cândido (1999) and in Paiva's research (2016).Acesso AbertoLiteraturaO MulatoLiteratura e sociedadePreconceitoEducaçãoLiteratureThe MulattoLiterature and societyPrejudiceEducationConservadorismo e preconceito racial em o mulato, de Aluísio Azevedo: um olhar voltado ao ensinoTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES