2024-03-112024-03-112024-03-112022-03-25https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/447Remote teaching used by schools during the emergence of COVID-19 brought several impacts to learning and the relationship between members of school community, but with the improvement in the pandemic situation schools returned to face-to-face teaching. The present study aimed to evaluate the perception of Professional and Technological Education (EPT) students at the Federal Institute of Alagoas (IFAL) - Penedo campus - regarding the resumption of classroom teaching. It was carried out through the action research methodology, with the application of a questionnaire and a discussion in a focus group to diagnose the situation and propose improvements. After pointing out the student´s main challenges and expectations, it was proposed as an action resulting from the study, that they carry out activities to welcome teachers and expose their anxieties, in order to strengthen dialogue, promote mutual understanding and make harmonious and gradual the moment of readaptation to classroom activities.Acesso AbertoEducação Profissional e TecnológicaGrupos focaisEnsino remotoAula presencialAmbiente escolarRetorno gradual de atividades escolares presenciais suspensas devido a COVID-19Trabalho de Conclusão de CursoEDUCAÇÃO