2024-03-202024-03-202024-03-202022-09-14https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/476The village of Tabuleiro dos negros is surrounded by sugarcane fields, being one of the interiors most affected by the burning of sugarcane. The present work aims to raise the environmental, social and consequently economic impacts of the local residents, together with the laboratory analysis of the soil, to analyze the quality of the soil prior to the burning and after the burning, to verify the loss of its nutrients and matter. organic matter, which are caused by the burning in the sugarcane harvest in the village of the village called Tajar dos negros, located in Penedo, Alagoas. For that, a data collection was carried out with the residents who live in the vicinity of the sugarcane plantations, the same consists of the realization of a questionnaire that will evaluate the perceptible effects in the environment in which the residents feel most affected, the time of the fires. The observations give some references in this regard, namely: contributions of smoke to the emissions of polluting gases in the atmosphere, emergence of diseases due to soot and burning of sugarcane straw that affect health, residents wait in order to that this practice be eliminated through the mechanization of harvesting, in addition to the detriment to biodiversity, and society as a whole. Subsequently, the soil was collected at three main points between the village and the sugarcane fields, the weighing parameters were evaluated, dry and wet, in order to obtain the difference between the soils, before the fire and after the fires, to verify the loss of organic matter.Acesso AbertoQueimadasImpactos socioambientaisCana-de-açúcarMatéria orgânicaA influência socioambiental das queimadas na comunidade quilombola do Tabuleiro dos Negros, Penedo (AL)Trabalho de Conclusão de CursoSOCIOLOGIA RURAL