2024-03-192024-03-192024-03-192023-10-31https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/463This work presents a general overview of the beginning of the urbanization process in Brazil, as well as the growth of urban space in Maceió. From this, the consequences of this urban expansion and the problem that the uncontrolled growth and lack of public policy brought to the less disadvantaged areas in the Reginaldo Basin are analyzed, mainly due to the lack of access to basic sanitation. Thus, an analysis and evaluation of the alternative chosen by the Renasce Salgadinho Project of the implementation of a filter garden as a solution to the situation of the Reginaldo/Salgadinho Creek in the treatment of its polluted waters is made, which, due to the absence of the sanitary sewage system, causes the irregular discharge of domestic sewage into the water body. The use of the filter garden adopted by the Renasce Salgadinho project was based on the model observed in the cities of Niterói-RJ and Sobral-CE and is being implemented in two regions of the Reginaldo Valley, one as a filtering pond at the meeting of the waters of the Pau D'Arco Creek with the Reginaldo Creek and three filter gardens in the direction to the Salgadinho Creek. In this aspect, after estimating the amount of effluent generated by the population residing in part of the region, it was observed that the treatment capacity of the filter gardens foreseen in the project will not be sufficient to treat all the sewage discharged into the stream, so that the environmental problem, even if on a smaller scale, will continue to be a reality for the local population and new techniques of disposal and treatment of effluents need to be associated with the use of filter gardens.Acesso AbertoUrbanizaçãoSaneamento BásicoJardins FiltrantesUrbanizationSanitationFilter GardensAnálise crítica do Projeto Ambiental do Renasce Salgadinho como solução para falta de esgotamento sanitário na Bacia do Riacho do ReginaldoTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoENGENHARIAS