2024-09-102024-09-102024-09-102023-11-16https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/711The general objective of this work isto analyze the environmental impacts caused by the closure and restructuring of the meat market in the city of Santana do Ipanema. Knowing the impacts caused by the activities, a study was conducted to recover the history of this closure, due to the situation in which the necessary infrastructure was found for the correct disposal of the effluents generated, the waste is thrown directly into the Ipanema River, leading to bad smells, the turbidity of the water and the death of flora and fauna. After the intervention of the Integrated Preventive Inspection (FPI), the municipality and the health surveillance, the meat market was closed because they were not in compliance with the health surveillance standards and the commerce around the river (where due to human intervention building houses to border, a flood ended up causing the destruction of several houses) also causing harm due to the withdrawal of resources along with the disposal of effluents and the poor hygiene conditions of the place. The methodology used for the present study was descriptive and exploratory in nature. Initially with bibliographical research and, in the second stage, research on news related to the fact on reliable websites and an interview with the environmental secretary at the time, finally, we sought to identify the current reality of the market and its changes. The results of the study indicate that slaughterhouses carry out activities that generate a large volume of organic matter, making it essential for inappropriate disposal, given that the negative environmental impacts arising from such activity directly affect the well-being, health, population as well as one all. It is important to think that public authorities become indispensable in this process, being able to work with environmental education projects and that it must start from an early age at home, as well as providing opportunities for discussions of new forms, new projects and technologies for the adequate management of this activity, as well asthe implementation that ensures the appropriate disposal of the effluents in question.Acesso AbertoRio IpanemaSantana do IpanemaImpactos ambientaisIpanema RiverEnvironmental impactsAnálise do desastre ambiental e seus impactos durante o fechamento do matadouro na cidade de Santana do IpanemaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoOUTROS