2023-06-052023-06-052023-06-052022-06-28https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/217The insertion of BIM, both in the professional environment and in the betting universe, is a necessary path to be followed. The world has been modernized and the civil construction sector will be no different. Each time the new work methodologies seek to adapt as new work methodologies, highly professional and for companies. In view of this, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have a fundamental role, as there needs to be a way to integrate as disciplines in order to include BIM in the teaching-learning process to prepare these students to work with the new software and adapt to a changing workflow, which involves collaboration and interoperability. However, there are still several benefits that Building Information Modeling offers and the growing need for selected labor, this new method is not your construction process. In this way, the present study aims to offer a proposal for intervention in the learning process of the Civil Engineering course at the Federal Institute of Alagoas - Campus Maceió, through the use of the BIM platform. In addition, it aims to study the use of software that uses the BIM methodology, with the objective of developing the potential of projects for the presentation and management of a work. For this, two methods were used: the elaboration of projects to demonstrate the power of Building Information Modeling and the analysis of the literature and of the curricular components through a method that aims to identify disciplines that have an interface with this new methodology.Acesso AbertoBIMEnsino-aprendizagemModelagem da Informação da ConstruçãoBuilding Information ModelingBIMTeaching-learningEstudo do gerenciamento de projetos através da utilização da metodologia BIM: análises de projetos e as possíveis contribuições acadêmicas no curso de engenharia civil do campus MaceióTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoENGENHARIAS