2023-07-272023-07-272023-07-272021-09-10https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/248Genetics is characterized as a science composed of abstract and difficult terms. terminologies such as content in the classroom is greatly feared. In view of this, the objective is analyze the difficulties faced by both teachers and students in terms of regarding the teaching-learning of genetics in the second year of high school. Its about an integrative review, whose bibliographical survey was elaborated in the databases researched in SCIELO, in scientific articles, newspapers, magazines, conferences, books and on the website from the Virtual Education Library (Ministry of Education), 10 were included in the study bibliographies that contemplated the desired objective. From the results of the analyzed data, it is estimated that the unpreparedness in teacher training, whether due to the lack of pursuit of scientific knowledge or failure in the training process in educational institutions higher education, clearly reflect on the students' teaching-learning deficit in the classroom. It is concluded that it is necessary to review and solve the flaws in teacher training, in order to that these professionals in the classroom can develop methodologies that corroborate with the best way of transmitting knowledge, facilitating the understanding of genetics, uniting theory-practice with dynamic and participatory classes.Acesso AbertoCiências BiológicasGenéticaEnsino e estudoEnsino médioDificuldades no ensino-aprendizagem de genética no segundo ano do ensino médioTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCNPQ::CIENCIAS BIOLOGICAS