2024-07-252024-07-252024-07-252024-02-05https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/555The 21st century was marked by sociocultural changes influenced mainly by Digital Information and Communication Technologies (DIT), which are increasingly present in almost all layers of society, therefore, the school needs to change to receive and integrate new students, who were born immersed in the world and the language provided by new technologies. With the emergence of digital technology, different types of educational resources can be used to enrich the teaching content in the classroom and help the teacher to make their classes less tiring. The Kahoot! is one of those resources that can be used as a teaching strategy to promote understanding and assimilation of classroom content, whether in person or online. Given this scenario, it is essential to deepen the understanding of Kahoot's contributions to teaching-learning, in order to provide support for the adoption and effective use of this tool by educators. In this context, this article aims to analyze the most recent and relevant studies on the topic, aiming to identify the possibilities and limitations of using Kahoot in the educational context. To achieve the proposed objective, a bibliographical survey was carried out through a search in databases such as Capes Periodicals and Google Scholar, using the terms "Kahoot", "gamification", "teaching-learning". The results found in this research show that although Kahoot presents some limitations, the tool proved to be a gamified, innovative, attractive and challenging environment, which can enhance teaching-learning, and contributes to motivation, concentration, student engagement, and also can be used in any subjective and educational level.Acesso AbertoKahootGamificaçãoEnsino-aprendizagemGamificationTeaching-learningContribuições do Kahoot para o ensino-aprendizagem: uma análise das possibilidadesTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA