2024-08-212024-08-212024-08-212022-10-20https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/624Due to its composition, post-consumer carton packs have great potential to be used as an input in the manufacture of new products. In this context, this research aimed to analyze the performance of partial replacement of fine aggregate by triturated carton packages in the development of a masonry mortar. The methodology was divided into the following steps: elaboration of a systematic literature review; collection, preparation and comminution of carton packages; characterization of raw materials; definition of the reference and experimental compositions; performance of technological tests; and analysis of results. In the fine aggregate, granulometric analysis was performed. The by-product, Triturated Cartons Packages (ECT), was characterized by Chemical Analysis by X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The proportion of 1:6 of volume of cement and fine aggregate was adopted as reference and experimental compositions were determined with substitutions of 5%, 10% and 15% of volume of aggregate by ECT, being molded and tested 5 specimens for each composition. The tests of Consistency Index, Compressive Strength, Water Absorption by Immersion and SEM of Fracture Surface were performed. It was carried out the correlation analysis between the average values of the properties and the percentage of ECT replacement. As for the results of the Consistency Index test, the mortars with ECT replacement showed a small reduction, but they remained in the range presented in the literature. Regarding Compressive Strength, the mortars with replacement of 5%, 10% and 15% showed average values of 7.57 MPa, 6.52 MPa and 6.07 MPa, respectively. Mortars with ECT showed a low rate of Water Absorption by Immersion, when compared to literature data. The statistical analysis revealed that all properties studied have strong correlation with the percentage of ECT replacement. The SEM of the Fractured Surface found the highest number of voids and the presence of microcracks in the samples with the highest percentages of ECT. Finally, the accomplishment of this study proved to be relevant in the context of the development of new technical materials, presenting to the market the mortar with triturated post-consumer carton packages.Acesso AbertoArgamassaEmbalagens cartonadasMateriais compósitosReciclagemMortarCarton packageComposite materialRecyclingAnálise do desempenho de argamassa de assentamento com substituição parcial do agregado miúdo por embalagens cartonadas trituradasDissertaçãoENGENHARIAS