2024-03-112024-02-112024-03-112022-09-12https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/445Sugarcane contributes to the Brazilian economy (NACHILUK, 2021), so, for the producer to obtain a quality cane, it is necessary that each stage of cultivation be done correctly. Given this bias, this study aims to review these steps, from planting to harvesting, providing information on the best paths that should be taken so that there is a quality final product and greater productivity through a literature review. At the end of it, it was possible to show that for a good result it is necessary to respect the recommendations made, from the moment of soil correction, to the choice of the harvesting system. In addition, such choices interfere with the sustainability of the sugarcane activity, since manual harvesting requires the burning of sugarcane straw, which causes the release of polluting gases, which contribute to the greenhouse effect.Acesso AbertoCana-de-açúcarQualidadeCultivoProdutividadeA importância das operações agrícolas no cultivo da cana-de-açúcarTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoENGENHARIA DE PROCESSAMENTO DE PRODUTOS AGRICOLAS