2023-08-162023-08-162023-08-162022-07-29https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/265In this present work, applied at Theonilo Gama State School, located in the Jacintinho neighborhood in Maceió-AL, where I participated in the Pedagogical Residency program by the Federal Institute of Alagoas (IFAL), Maceió campus. In classes “A” and “D” of the 3rd grade of high school, we are going to demystify the difficulty that some students had when faced with the subject of high school equations, in which the covid-19 pandemic classes at school were very affected and these students had great difficulty in solving both first and second degree equations. In order to resolve the doubts on the subject, we used the golden material to apply and solve the quadratic equations, in which another possibility of finding the roots of polynomials was demonstrated, associating the algebraic part with the geometric part, through the manipulation of this object. Through the use of this instrument, it was possible to develop the skills and abilities necessary to understand the relationships discussed in the classroom and to find roots of a quadratic equation, as well as the sides of a rectangle formed by the pieces of golden material. Hence, the reflections on the development of the algebraic structure in the geometric construction made in the classroom, where using manipulative materials for teaching and learning helps to understand the meanings and solve problem- situations.Acesso AbertoMaterial douradoEquações do segundo grauMaterial manipulávelGolden materialEquations of the second degreeManipulating materialDando sentido a equações do segundo grau a partir do uso do material douradoTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA