2024-04-112024-04-112024-04-112023-12-04https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/508The increasing demand for food has led to the development of various control control agents to increase crop yields. And due to the population increase, it became necessary to use these agents to meet food demand. However, its excess causes harm to human health and the environment. Metribuzin (MTZ) is one of the most common herbicides for the control of organic weeds, however, due to its increase and excess, it is necessary to monitor and determine this herbicide, which is essential to reduce risks to the environment and human health. One of the alternatives that has been growing for its determination is the use of electrochemical sensors that consist of translating the chemical information of certain analytes into measurable electrical signals (STRADIOTTO; YAMANAKA; ZANONI, 2003; KIMMEL et al., 2012). These devices can have high sensitivity, are easy to prepare and have a relative low cost. They can also be characterized by details, as it is possible to analyze molecules of environmental interest (ŠVORC; RIEVAJ; BUSTIN, 2013), foods (PACHECO et al., 2015). In this work, some literary sensors were selected in which the authors provided the construction of these electrochemicals for the determination of Metribuzin using different mediators where: (Lima, 2009) used carbon paste/Nujol to determine the MTZ; (Fatah, 2022) used NTCPM/MIP-EPC to determine the MTZ; (Moreno, 2009) used a Bismuth Film Electrode for determination; (Ranganatha, 2022) used CS-PC/BPE/ECV to determine MTZ; (Yamuna, 2022) used NTO-eGR/ECV to determine MTZ.Acesso AbertoQuímicaSensores eletroquímicosMetribuzin (MTZ) - HerbicidaAgroquímicosAgrochemicalsElectrochemical sensorSensores eletroquímicos para determinação de agroquímicos: revisão de métodos empregados para o herbicida MetribuzinTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCNPQ::CIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA::QUIMICA