2024-03-222024-03-222024-03-222022-04-26https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/489The sugar and ethanol industry are an area of agroindustry, in which important byproducts are generated that can be reused by the industry itself or even outside it, in different ways. Thus, the objective of this work is to verify the distribution and purpose of these by-products generated during the manufacture of sugar and alcohol. In addition, dealing with the importance that each by-product presents, and that its use correctly can bring advantages both for the environment and also generate high profits in the industry. The work was developed through a bibliographic review, using articles, books, reliable websites. In view of what was verified in the work, the by-products from the sugarcane in the plant shows that the reuse according to the necessary requeriments is the best option in favor of the environment, economy and Brazilian societyAcesso AbertoIndustria sucroalcooleiraSubprodutosMeio ambienteReaproveitamentoCana-de-açúcarOs principais subprodutos da indústria sucroalcooleiraTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoENGENHARIA QUIMICATECNOLOGIA QUIMICA