2023-06-212023-06-212023-06-212022-03-14https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/229The literary studies that analyze pieces from a cultural point of view have been frequent in contemporary times, which has contributed to thinking about the scope of literary art inserting it in its context of production, considering it in its relation with the exteriority and fostering discussions surrounding relevant topics to think the contemporaneity. This essay is inserted in the scope of the Literature Theory (literature and culture) and focuses on the poetic text of Lenine's song. Based on the reading/listening of twelve songs from his work (which compose the research Corpus Carminum), issues such as the encounter with the aesthetic object are discussed; swallowing and anthropo/autophagy in Lenine's songbook; and how these notions are articulated from a poetic alchemy of the composer. The reading/listening to Lenine's song, object of this research, revealed a lyrical universe that emerges from his poetic text and that is forged from the anthropo and autophagy movements, as a synthesis of creative operations from which results a modern, brazilian, local and global poetry, with multiple, mixed, mestizo colorations. The discussion points towards a poetry of devouring, in which elements of autophagy and anthropophagy, as categories of production and creation, focus directly on Lenine's songbook inside the corpus that has been analyzed. As for the theoretical foundation, I resorted to the contributions of authors such as Andrade, Bosi, Paz, Pinheiro, Figueiredo and Mello. Thus, from the analysis of the songs, I hope to contribute to the expansion of the poet's critical fortune.Acesso AbertoLenineAntropofagiaAutofagiaPoesia brasileiraAnthropophagyAutophagyBrazilian poetryA alquimia poética Lenineana: traços de uma poesia devoradoraTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES