2024-03-112024-03-112024-03-112022-02-24https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/444The coconut tree is an aracaceae palmaceae plant that belongs to the coconut genus, contains a historical, cultural, gastronomic record and also in the food industries such as dry coconut in natura, generating income and jobs for the population. The history of the fruit is summarized with its arrival in the State of Bahia from Cape Verde, among other seeds, earning the name of coco-da-baía and initially spreading to the northeastern coast, where the three main national producers are: Bahia, Sergipe and Ceará. In Brazil, the coconut tree is cultivated with the aim that the fruits reach the agro-industry so that foods such as grated coconut, coconut milk, coconut oil and coconut water are produced. The Cooperativa dos Agricultores Familiares e Empreendimentos Solidários – COOPAÍBA, where the internship took place, has coconut as its main raw material, where foods such as dehydrated coconut flour, coconut milk and coconut oil are manufactured. For this reason, the present report aims to explain the origin of the fruit in Brazil, the coconut culture in Brazil, survey, gastronomy and the entire process from obtaining the raw material to the arrival of the fruit in the industry for the manufacture of food and clarify the entire process of physical-chemical analysis with the purpose of having food quality control.Acesso AbertoCocoProdução industrialCoco raladoLeite de cocoAnálise físico-químicaUtilização do coco na fabricação de alimentos e análise de qualidade na indústria CopaíbaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoGARANTIA DE CONTROLE DE QUALIDADE