2024-03-222024-03-222024-03-222022-04-18https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/491Currently the search for sustainable alternatives to minimize the environmental impacts environment impacts generated by cement production is growing every day with the increase of new technologies and science. The cement in question is a fine powder with binding properties or binders, whose raw material is limestone and clay cement is also a product of high durability when mixed with gravel and sand resulting in an important product for construction being the concrete. concrete is the most used material in the world being second only to water and is also responsible for part of the country's economy due to its large national and international consumption, so with the extraction of raw materials and cement production are generated negative impacts on the environment as the emission of CO2. For each ton of cement manufactured about 700kg of carbon oxide are emitted into the atmosphere during the production process. With the advancement of technology and industrial development, sustainable techniques were created to minimize these impacts, such as the addition of minerals to cement. The addition of minerals is a possible viable solution to reduce CO2 emissions, because it reduces the amount of clinker used in the manufacture of cement, such as the addition of sugar cane bagasse ash, which has a high polyozone content and can be applied as a partial substitute for cement. It is noteworthy that the concretes produced from the partial replacement of cement can present better characteristics than ordinary concrete, such as durability and stiffness, so based on a comparative study of the works of different authors it is possible to verify that in addition to minimizing the emission of pollutants, it is also a quality alternative to cement that results in a product that is rapidly gaining the industrial market in Brazil.Acesso AbertoCimento PortlandReaproveitamento de resíduosSustentabilidadeCinzasCimento: processo produtivo, impactos ambientais e adições de cinzas do bagaço de cana-de-açúcarTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoENGENHARIA QUIMICATECNOLOGIA QUIMICACIMENTO