2023-10-242023-10-242023-10-242021-11-25https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/322The present work aims at the proportions of indicators evaluated for Emergency Remote Teaching in the Integrated Teaching of Youth and Adult Education in the Accommodation course on the Marechal Deodoro campus of the Federal Institute of Alagoas (Ifal), a modality implemented due to the Covid-19 pandemic. As mandatory, Ifal's institutional rules on the ERE with a focus on the Integrated Course on Youth and Adult Education. In addition, it was a matter of providing subsidies for thinking about new indicators for evaluating the ERE. The work methodology is qualitative. Bibliographic research and studies were carried out on the experiences lived during this pandemic period on the Campus of Marechal Deodoro. However, this work does not illustrate the use of research with the educational community, as the result is drawn from experience-based experience. The result of the study has assorted dimensions and indicators with a degree of favoring education actors in the decisions to be addressed in the process of improving the ERE and the quality of teaching-learningAcesso AbertoEnsino Remoto Emergencial - AvaliaçãoEducação de Jovens e AdultosIndicadores AvaliativosHospedagem - EJA - EREDiretrizes InstitucionaisAvaliação processual para efetividade do ensino remoto emergencial na educação de jovens e adultos com base nos indicadores construídos pelo IFALTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAO