2024-02-272024-02-272024-02-272023-11-06https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/382This article reports the results of a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) on teaching and learning processes in makerspaces. Seventy-two articles were analyzed in the databases Science Direct, IEEE Explore, SCIELO-Brasil, Periódico CAPES, BDTD, and Google Scholar, following the Kitchenham protocol and the PRISMA methodology. The results highlight common elements in makerspaces in general, but also emphasize a research gap in technical and vocational education in particular. The identified deficiencies include limited infrastructure, lack of teacher training, inadequate curriculum integration, and challenges in assessing and recognizing the knowledge acquired in makerspaces.Acesso Abertoensino e aprendizagemMakerspacesteaching and learningEnsino e Aprendizagem através de Makerspaces: uma revisão sistemática da literaturaArtigo de EventoCIENCIAS HUMANAS