2024-09-022024-09-022024-09-022019-02-02https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/676This work has as main objective to report the experience of educational practices with the use of different methodologies applied in the literacy of deaf students in early childhood education and elementary education I. To promote a more meaningful educational development for the student object of study were applied and adapted several methodologies for an individualized follow-up of the student object of study. One of the first methodologies implanted was the rescue of the family for the learning of the language of pounds, causing that there was the incentive to the own student who did not accept very well the school. We do. With the results of the activities applied through the developed methodologies, a significant change in the student's learning was demonstrated, as well as in the perception of the other family members and pedagogical team of the school where the study was carried out. We conclude by emphasizing that the insistence and perseverance in the continuous search for methodologies that help in the development of students with special needs is an arduous task that neither, but that is worth all the effort made when the results achieved are contacted, are not all are willing to make such efforts.Acesso AbertoCiências BiológicasPrática educativa - Alunos surdosDeficiência auditiva – Recursos didáticos.Educação especialSpecial educationHearing impairmentDiferentes recursos didáticos aplicados na alfabetização de aluno surdo na educação infantil e fundamental ITrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCNPQ::CIENCIAS BIOLOGICAS